These are all really recent. The dude up on top I colored in with some marker action, since I recently acquired more than 220 prisma and letraset markers on Craigslist, for practically nothing.
They are a lot of fun to use and they enable to to render very quickly. Which is nice, when I am compelled to spill my thoughts onto paper.
The middle one, I did after finally getting a "basic"(as basic as you can get) level of competence in CS2. I had a lot of fun playing with stark contrasts and lighting effects in this one. Airbrush tool=ftw.
I don't know why, but sci-fi themes like this have always been fascinating to me. You know, like strange mechanical devices, heavy suits of power armor and stuff, robotic mega-entities, all very mystifying and intriguing.

And lastly, BAM! chicks like her are always fun too. Especially from that view. Hehe!!!

Anyhoo, enough enough already. For now that is....
yeah yeah!
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