Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Odds and ends...

Aww yeah, few fun things I've been jamming in, mostly facial sketches and what not. I like these guys a lot. As fun character studies, they ain't half bad.

This however id from my animation class, its a simple story board that shows the piece I am gouing to creat for a sound project.

Snitch gets caught by gangsters, gangsters go ape shit on snitch...firing squad style. I will post upon completion.

Stay tuned folks, more kewl stuff on its way.


NePaul Wilson said...

I really love the facial features, I can't wait to see more of it! And your story board, why do you put so little of it? I MUST SEE MORE!

hehe can't wait to here how the story develops!

Pierz said...

Hahaha I'll post some more of them soon, but it's not meant to be a long animation.

We are just experimenting with sound for now.