Just some thangs....
I really need to put forth more effort into rendering my backgrounds. I mean the one on the bottom works but I have a lot of trouble with filling in solid blacks and stuff. Just looks wrong when I attempt to render it out...
What am I doing wrong?
Sheesh...back to the drawing board.
Stay tuned,
Always impress work man, I'm really digging the dude on the top with the gun, heavy ammo is the best, come heavy or go home I say.
Well I don't know about rendering, your shading skills are amazing, so laziness perhaps? Not that I'm implying you've been sleeping on the job Mr. Priez.
but when i saw the last one the first thing I noticed was:
"OH SHIT IS THAT...Sylvester Stallone?"
That guy at the very bottom looks like him.
Well as always I will be awaiting your work.
Hahaha I'm right with you on that one. Belt fed and full auto...only way to go!!!
Yeah, I think I need to put more planning into it...just figuring those things out. I just don't know how its supposed to look I guess :P Quite frustrating...
XDDDD I got a feeling of Sly from that dude now that u mention it. I didn't see that before :P :P :P
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