And he said, let there be Iron Man. I think he has got to be one of my favorite comic characters ever. He's quite...oh, how shall I say, bad ass! I liked to drawing him.

These be test pages from an old comic project I wish to revive :D Goes by the name of "Rogue Star"
Stay tunes folks...
I would be really disappointed if you didn't complete that comic or at least continue on it very very slowly. The first panel I thought he was flying off into space on a Xbox 360. It looks really interesting, plus it's something by you so you know I'll tune in.
That Iron Man is bitching though! Love the shading on it, I could learn a thing or two about shading from you. I'm glad it's a big file so I can really see you put a lot time in the detail with it. We should have a art trade one of these days.
Yeah man, it might be slow going, but I want to get some more stuff started. Lots of firtile ground for fun drawing :)
haha Glad you dig the Iron Man too. I surprised at how well the pencils came out!!! More of these to come for sure.
And an art trade would be very cool, you got anything in mind?
just give yourself some time and you'll be seeing your comics at nearby comic book stores mang!
keep at it!
and wheres my starcraft!!! lol
Hellz yeah I'm gonna keep at it!!! Can't stop now yo! We both are gonna be rockin' it after a few years.
And dun worry, Star Craft is next up XDD I'll try to have it finished by next week.
Hmmm not to sure right now, but we have to put something together sometime soon my man.
Also Starcraft? HELL YEAH!
Kewl dude, no rush. Just let me know when you're ready to get something goin :)
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