Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Painting stuff

T'was fun, I got back on iscrib and this is what happened.

I rather like it :)


Lessonguy said...

nice, so you ended up adding faces in the bg huh. well it looks rather nice.
lol iscrib...

NePaul Wilson said...

Once again you have managed to impress me beyond all, smashing job here man! You chose a perfect color and mixture for this. Was it done with your new airbrush set?

Pierz said...

Haha thanks guys!!!

Yasu: yeah...lol iscrib...

JO: Yuss! Glad I impressed you mang, I really like the way this came out in the end.

It wasn't done wis my airbrush, I did it on the comp :P

Thanks again bro!!!

Clarity said...

Interesting, what is iscrib exactly ?

Pierz said...

Iscribble is an online drawing and chatting site.

It's fun, but the site is plagued by furry fan art lovers and naruto freaks.

Which is also why you can create a private board and just go nuts.