All right, I know it's been forever since my last post. And the truth is...well, I haven't been drawing that much...my new job is killing me. BUT, when I do get a chance to do some rendering this is what happened :)
More to come in the semi near future so stay tuned BITCHES!
Yours Truly,
Hell yeah dude! I love both of these, great shading with the pencil on the second. I always enjoy seeing the characters you make especially those faces haha, makes me think of Full Throttle. Great stuff broham!
Thanks g money! These were fun to render.
And my philosophy has always been, people look different...and so should your characters. Keeps it from getting stale me thinks.
That's a good philosophy to keep. People get so much easier to draw after awhile, unfortuantly every starts to look alike (at least to me). Or at least you see people very differently, you can almost see inside them and out.
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