Monday, November 17, 2008

20 yrs old bitches!!!

Yup 20 today suckas :)


NePaul Wilson said...

Hope you don't think I forgot your special day, I'm in the process of putting up your present today, just been a tad busy, but I made a special shout out to you in my blog! People need to see your art!

Hope you had a good one you ol bat you!

*raises glass* here's to a great 20th year.

Pierz said...

Hahah of course not, I know u wouldn't :)

Oh man I'll be waiting eagerly. I could not get a better gift than a piece of art from a friend :) I'd take that over anything.

I appreciate the shout out mang. Many thanks for that as well :)

And it was a good b-day me old chum, had me a seafood feast which was mighty fine :) And some cheese cake that was out of this world!
