Feature this, I was trapped inside of an artblock...but suddenly, like a rescue rope from the ceiling, a piece of advice popped into my head and pulled me out of that miserable place. Just put shapes onto the page and see what happens.
Well it worked and this is what I came up with. I totally dig it :)
I adore this! The shading is outstanding, you have a definite thumb for that. There a bunch of little things you can get out of this, and it's a wonderful way I to break the art block. If I still had a DA I would favorite this for sure. Machines are inspirational in almost every way due to the amount of detail one can put into them. Can't wait to see!
I agree, machines are truly beautiful. Nuff said :)
Thanks again for the kind words me ol chum. Your input is always appreciated :)
yo your work is dope!!!
I am an artist myself and I am creating a Graphic Novel and I made a blog documenting the process, i'll have artwork, sketches, ideas & more posted on there. I saw you were into graphic novels and thought you would like to be interested in following the blog. I need followers to build up a buzz and if you think the project looks cool, I would appreciate it.
You can find the blog here:
Let me know what you think! Thanks!
Thanks Marcello, you have some impressive stuff as well. I dig your style too.
I'll follow you if you follow me :) It would be nice to bounce some ideas off of you, if you wouldn't mind indulging me :) I always appreciate some input
Cool dude, don't be a stranger ;)
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