Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Quarter's up....nearly


This has been the quarter from hell.........I tried to take 4 classes (3 of which are hardcore academics) but that didn't work out too well. My friend and I tried skipping ahead to a higher level math class but did it too I then got behind in everything else, and that class.

But I dropped math so I could focus again. And things sort of seem to be working out.

Animation and Japanese are great, but English is really lame :( I'll just be glad I've got it over with.

And by the end of the quarter I should have some cool anim projects to sample as well :) So keep on the look out :)

That's all for now folks :)


History of Jazz

Sculpture 1

Japanese 2

Animation Art History


NePaul Wilson said...

History of Jazz? That sounds pretty ace, I would love to take that and a history of punk.

My quarter is almost over as well and I took four classes as well, think we both kind of lucked out on that one. O well are you transferring to a different college by any chance?

Pierz said...

Yeah man, I'm totally "jazzed" about next Q!!! Fun classes :)

I'll transfer, but not for a while now...I want to get my degree out of the way first. After that I think I'll be off to an actual art school or a 4 year university.